Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Politics is in the air...


Today is election day in the U.S. I ended up having my Dad write in my choices, since I missed the deadline to get an emergency ballot here. Also, I hear the ballots would not contain the State ballot measures which there are currently some very important issues. The Embassy here will send your ballot for free.

Tonight there are several of us going to another student's house for an election party. It might go until really early tomorrow morning here...it should be fun. I am definitely excited about it. This election is clearly significant, regardless of who wins, since you have the first African American presidential nominee, the transition to a new president after 8 years (disliked by many) and the pressing issues that the entire world is interested in seeing how the U.S. will handle under a new White House. Ever since I have arrived in Jordan a frequent topic that comes up is the election.

Since my return from my year abroad in Germany, in 2001, there have been many significant occurrences that have caused the world to look to the U.S. even more than it has in the past. The most frequently mentioned here are obviously the War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq, as well as its Foreign Policy and support for Israel. I have not met a single Jordanian, or other international student (from outside the U.S.) that did not hope Obama would win. Concerns here are that McCain will continue the same Foreign policies of Bush, which are interpreted as being for the purpose of oil, biased support for Israel with no accountability (and a lack of support of the Palestinians) and often a hidden "zionist" agenda. Seldom any of the other major issues or platforms that Americans weigh in voting are taken into consideration.

As for how I voted (for president and on the issues) I wish to refrain from writing in my blog. However, I will share a few thoughts and where I see myself politically. I am not particularly in favor of either candidate. I do not label myself as being with a specific political party and really wish there were more options than the standard two. Both parties hold values that I support and oppose, some stronger than others. I am hopeful that whichever candidate wins, they will be a strong and unifying leader to help our great country out of the economic crisis, into better relations with the international community and uphold and support the true values of the United States of America.

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